Let's create some NODE.JS application that will communicate with active terminal and make it runnable from Linux bash shell...
Install Node.JS
Create folder for your project and add file package.json
Open package.json with text editor and add minimum required, then save it
Position to project folder from console and execute following to install required lib
npm install ws --save npm install mem-cache --save
Create index.js in project folder and add code shown at the end of the page.
Code can be executed as bash shell script simply by calling ./index.js or with Node.JS itself by executing from command line with node index.js.
index.js file
#!/usr/bin/env node
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const Cache = require('mem-cache');
var cache = new Cache();
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:5250')
* Store request into cache and make remote request
function request(req, callback) {
// store request into cache for 30 seconds
cache.set(req.rid, {callback : callback}, 30000);
// send request to GreenScreens Native Terminal
* Receive response from terminal and process data
ws.on('message', function(resp, raw) {
// parse received text data into JSON
let data = JSON.parse(resp);
// take rid from response and look into cache
let cdata = cache.get(data.rid);
// if request stored into cache and have callback function, execute it
if (cdata && typeof cdata.callback === 'function') {
* Signal when connection established
ws.on('open', function open() {
// prepare A-HLL API command
let req = {"cmd": "echo", "rid": Date.now()};
// send A-HLL command to terminal and attach response handler
request(req, function(resp){
console.log(`Response arrived from terminal for request ID: ${resp.rid}`);